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Always. Reliable. Dependable.

Top quality thanks to hand-picked suppliers

The procurement of the materials and services we use plays a key role in ensuring customer satisfaction and the success of Hauff-Technik. When it comes to selecting our suppliers, we therefore attach great importance to establishing a trustworthy, lasting relationship with qualified and efficient partners.

The best basis for partnership comes from providers who offer high-quality products at standard global market prices and are able to deliver with reliability. You can find further selection criteria in our supplier self-assessment questionnaire.


Patrizia Ziegler
Purchasing department
Robert-Bosch-Straße 9
89568 Hermaringen, GERMANY

Tel. +49 7322 1333-143

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Supplier self-assessment

If you would like to become one of our suppliers

The supplier self-assessment is part of the procedure for establishing a working relationship with us and helps us plan continuous process chains and implement these reliably. Please note that the form must be completed in full for you to be added to our list of suppliers. The information you provide in the questionnaire allows us to gain an initial overview of your company, products and capacity. This information is also used to assess your ability to deliver quality products/services.

If we are interested in your application, we will contact you as soon we can.

General Conditions of Purchase

Orders with Hauff-Technik GmbH & Co. KG are placed in accordance with the General Conditions of Purchase specified below and the Terms and Conditions of Payment indicated in the purchase order, as applicable. Should these conditions not have been provided to you, you can view, download and print these here.

Delivery instructions

Due to our new logistics structures, we have made extensive changes to our Dispatch and Packaging Regulations. Their aim is to protect the goods against the various stresses and strains that can occur during the logistics chain to enable the product in question to be supplied to the destination intact and ready for use. Unless explicitly agreed otherwise in the purchase order, technical descriptions or special conditions of purchase of the purchaser, the conditions specified below shall apply.

A Hauff-Technik Hungária Kft. technológiai fejlesztése Kazincbarcikán.